So maybe it is the quarantine keeping us social distanced but I even more than in normal life, love hearing from you. Tell me how you are doing during this crazy time!

How are you doing?
Has boredom brought on any new hobbies?
How is homeschooling going?
Have you found any new great recipes?
Are you a podcast junky?
Here are my answers!
How are you doing? We are good, the farm keeps us busy. The most aggravating thing right now is the weather! Grass starts growing then snow covers all the green grass, then it turns to mud! Thankfully we are on the ball with fence line cleanup and tightening fences. Cows are ready and waiting for green grass to eat! We have 2 cows left to calve for the Spring, so fingers crossed they calve soon. We update the New Penn Farm Instagram with calf pictures since that is the seedstock side of our business if you want to see calf pictures.
Has boredom brought on any new hobbies? Boredom has us trying to get a head start on gardening this year. No new hobbies but our fingers crossed at a new side of our business coming soon...hopefully!
How is homeschooling going? Homeschooling, ugh. I hate it and I love it. I love the kids being home and more time with them and no more drama from other kids being mean. But it is confusing and the google hangout classes my kids hate plus our internet doesn't work the greatest so that does not help. That means I get to explain what they haven't picked up on from their teachers. Math I can help with, everything else is another story, definitely give props to the teachers out there.
Have you found any new great recipes? I am a big fan of Grumpy's Honey Bunch Blog. I have tried several bread recipes lately and bread has always been my nemesis. There have been, improvements. I would not call them successes.
Are you a podcast junky? Yes, absolutely I am. Bluetooth noise dampening work tunes headphones and listening to podcasts while I do farmwork. Which means 6-10 hours a day I'm listening. With homeschooling it is much less now. But my favorite right now is the Rural Revival Podcast. It is full of stories of people all over the country opening businesses in small towns and breathing life and community back into those towns. Love Love the stories. But I listen to history, farming, business all sorts of podcasts. Please tell me your favorite I am always looking for new ones!